Is an Air Ionizer Safe to Use Around Children and Pets?

Learn about potential risks associated with using an ionizer around children & pets & how HEPA filters & electronic filters can provide clean indoor air without any health risks.

Is an Air Ionizer Safe to Use Around Children and Pets?

Air pollution is a major contributor to increased anxiety and stress, and air purifiers are a great way to clean indoor air from various contaminants. However, when it comes to children and pets, it is important to be aware of the potential risks associated with air ionizers. Ionizers are dangerous to humans and pets as they emit ions into the air, which stick to contaminants. This clumps up the contaminant and expels it from the air, but other chemicals are created as by-products which can cause cancer in humans and animals.

Therefore, it is best to avoid ionic air purifiers. Most air purifiers on the market are sealed units that suck in outdoor air and purify it. Purification is done by passing air through a high-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filter, activated carbon or an electrostatic filter. Once cleaned, the purified air is expelled back into the atmosphere. Air purifiers are designed to be used at home near children, and their internal mechanisms must be safe from prying claws and wagging tails. Even small pets, such as rodents, should not be able to access the inside of air purifiers.

Some devices advertised as air purifiers intentionally emit large amounts of ozone, the main component of smog. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) recommends not using ozone generators, except for approved industrial purposes where harmful exposure to ozone is avoided. Not only are ozone generators ineffective at cleaning indoor air, but inhaling ozone poses serious health risks to people and animals. If your baby is especially sensitive or has allergies or asthma, providing him with an air purifier will not only bring sighs of relief, but it will also make him happier. The short answer is yes, but only to a certain extent.

It all depends on what you want an air purifier to do in your home and how well you adapt the specific air purifier to your goals. One of the most important things to look for in an effective and safe air purifier for children is an air purifier that only uses a high-efficiency air filter and a powerful engine. HEPA purifiers have amply demonstrated their effectiveness over the decades and purify the air without adjusting the chemistry of the air. To prevent second or third hand smoke from my roommate, I plan to leave the ionizer on for only 30 to 40 minutes when there is no one in the room, and then turn off the ionizer before someone enters. Today's air ionizers are often equipped with ozone sensors that help to control, suppress, and prevent high levels of ozone from leaking into the air you breathe. Improving the ventilation of the house and adding a fan for the whole house will help increase airflow and displace stale air from the house. The California Air Resources Board (CARB) provides a list of CARB-certified air cleaning devices which can help you choose a safe and effective air filter.Air purifiers with high-efficiency air filters and powerful motors absorb contaminated air from a home, filter out harmful particles, and return clean air to the home.

The best air purifiers work to remove toxic chemicals known as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and other environmentally harmful substances, such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide, from the air.I recently changed all the air conditioning units in my house and installed IWAVE ionizer systems for each unit (3 in total), 2 on the main floor (about 3500 square feet) and one in the basement (1500 square feet). Electronic air filters provide particles with a static charge so that they adhere to objects in the room and fall out of the air. In conclusion, while an ionizer can be used safely around children and pets if used correctly, it is important to be aware of potential risks associated with them. It is best to opt for an alternative such as an HEPA filter or electronic filter which can provide clean indoor air without any health risks.

Karen Vermeersch
Karen Vermeersch

Freelance social media fanatic. Award-winning web buff. Evil travelaholic. Unapologetic web junkie. Travel scholar.

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