What is an Air Ionizer and How Does it Work? - A Comprehensive Guide

Learn about what an air ionizer is and how it works. Find out why it's important to use an air ionizer after cleaning the air with a purifier and running a humidifier for best results.

What is an Air Ionizer and How Does it Work? - A Comprehensive Guide

An air ionizer is a device that releases negative ions into the air, which attach to tiny particles, such as those in tobacco smoke, and cause them to adhere to surfaces. In some cases, these devices contain a collector to attract charged particles back to the unit. While ionizers can remove small particles, no controlled study has confirmed this effect. For optimal performance, it is recommended to use the air ionizer after cleaning the air with a purifier and running a humidifier.

Smart Air is a certified B company founded by Thomas Talhelm, a professor at the University of Chicago and a fan of clean air. Most major air purifier companies use ionizers in their air purifiers, including Xiaomi, Blueair, Levoit, and many more. Unlike many purifier companies, Smart Air does not use ionizers in its purifiers to achieve its high CADR rates, only safe and effective HEPA filters. Smart Air is a social enterprise certified by B-Corp that offers simple and practical air purifiers and offers free training to protect people from the harm of air pollution.

In addition, for a more efficient operation of the ionizer, it is suggested to turn it on after cleaning the air with purifiers or to choose a purifier model with an ionization option, which the AENO brand offers in its range. Ionizing air purifiers are commonly sold under a variety of names, such as “ionic air purifiers”, negative ion air purifiers, “air ionizers” and “needle-tipped bipolar ionization”. An ionizer is a device that lets air through and generates positive and negative oxygen ions. The main component is a special emitter that creates an ionizing field through which dirty air passes.

This way, air purifier companies with few additional costs can market a higher CADR (metric that measures the effectiveness of an air purifier), making it an economical way to increase their CADR. A summary of scientific tests carried out with air purifiers revealed that most air ionizers have no discernible effect on particle levels. As an expert in SEO optimization, I recommend using an air ionizer after cleaning the air with a purifier and running a humidifier for best results. Additionally, it is important to choose an air purifier model with an ionization option for more efficient operation of the ionizer. It is also important to note that most scientific tests have revealed that most air ionizers have no discernible effect on particle levels.

Karen Vermeersch
Karen Vermeersch

Freelance social media fanatic. Award-winning web buff. Evil travelaholic. Unapologetic web junkie. Travel scholar.

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